Frigorifico Tacuarembo S.A. Marfrig Global Foods ,Our targets are defined on the basis of the five main animal freedoms, and global best practices in the raising, transportation, and humane slaughter of animals.
- Conduct a third-party audit of public company-wide animal welfare information.
- 100% of cattle slaughtering units, from all countries, audited by a third party to NAMI Animal Welfare standards by 2025.
- 100% of meat suppliers complying with NAMI Standards.
- Animal welfare training: 40 hours of training minimum, per year per slaughter unit.
- Travel time of the animal, between the farm and the industry, lasting up to eight hours.
- Animal suppliers engaged in animal welfare criteria, through the Marfrig Club.
- Use eggs from hens raised in cage-free systems.
- Use pork from breeding systems with sows in collective gestation (allowing a maximum of 28 days in individual gestation systems).
- Purchasing pork from animal husbandry systems not subject to ours (ear mutilation).
- Buy pork from immunocastrated animal husbandry systems, not causing pain or animal suffering (a practice that replaces surgical castration).
- Restrict purchases of pork meat to rearing systems that do not involve cutting the animals’ teeth. In extreme cases, when there is evidence of aggressive behavior among animals, for example, the practice will be admitted.
- Use pork from environmentally enriched farming systems (handled materials).
- Restrict the marketing of products that contain eggs in their composition, to those that come from cage-free hens.
- Our goals are defined based on the five animal freedoms and global best practices in humane husbandry, transport and slaughter.
Frigorifico Tacuarembo SA,
Frigorifico Tacuarembo S.A. Marfrig Global Foods is committed to being an effective agent for transforming the production chain, encouraging production models that preserve biomes and biodiversity, with effective actions to guarantee supplies from areas free of deforestation, as well as the development of new forms of production.
Control of Origin
- By 2022 – Adapting all systems for controlling the chain and
- mitigating risks.
- From 2022 to 2025 – Protocol for restoring banned farmers, e
- nabling them to come back into compliance with the company’s
- sustainability criteria. Executing the program for a network
- of specialized technical assistance that addresses intensification
- and restoration through pasture enhancement, breeding and
- animal nutrition.
- By 2025 – Attaining total traceability of the Marfrig supply
- chain in the Amazon region.
- By 2030 – Attaining total traceability of suppliers operating
- in the Cerrado and other biomes.
In 2020 we launched the Tacuarembo Marfrig Commitments, which have targets for inclusion, combating deforestation, traceability and transparency. The goal is to engage the entire value chain in complying with these requirements.